العودة   مصر موتورز مجتمع السيارات > السيارات الكورية والماليزية > Hyundai هيونداى > Hyundai Elantra - النترا

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قديم 02-11-2009, 04:20 PM
الصورة الرمزية بدر بسيونى
بدر بسيونى بدر بسيونى غير متواجد حالياً

مشرف الكورى
من انا؟: مصرى
التخصص العملى: كيميائى
هواياتي: السيارات
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2009
الموقع: الاسكندرية
المشاركات: 4,416
بدر بسيونى has a reputation beyond reputeبدر بسيونى has a reputation beyond reputeبدر بسيونى has a reputation beyond reputeبدر بسيونى has a reputation beyond reputeبدر بسيونى has a reputation beyond reputeبدر بسيونى has a reputation beyond reputeبدر بسيونى has a reputation beyond reputeبدر بسيونى has a reputation beyond reputeبدر بسيونى has a reputation beyond reputeبدر بسيونى has a reputation beyond reputeبدر بسيونى has a reputation beyond repute
افتراضي هيونداى النترا اليكتورنيك بوشور

fficeffice" />

"H M C ' s t o ta l c o mm itm e n t to t h e c u s to m e rs is h e lp i n g t h e m t o li ve

w ith c o n fid e n c e ." Ou r co n s ta n t in n o va t io n s a ll o w u s to in s p ir e o u r

cu s to m e r s a n d d e liv e r w h a t th e y w a n t a t a ll tim e s .

Hyundai Motor Company

231, Yangjae-Dong, Seocho-Gu, ffice:smarttags" />Seoul, 137-938, Korea




greets the

New Elantra

as it breathes life into your daily routine with a snug fit for you and your family.

Wake up to the wonder of Hyundai’s heir apparent. Completely redesigned from the ground up, the new Elantra makes room for

your next generation and more with added cabin space, a bigger trunk and a longer wheelbase for greater passenger comfort.

Hyundai's extraordinary successor promises stepped-up performance with greater power, more sophisticated styling, improved

handling and enhanced fuel economy. Recalling its predecessor’s reputation for quality and reliability, the Elantra has upgraded

to a 1.6 CVVT gasoline engine and added safety features such as ESP, front side & curtain airbags and active headrests. Paving

the way for the dawn of your day, Elantra opens the door to new possibilities.

The Key to

a Close Fit

The suit that suits,

the tie that says you’re you,

the sunglasses that look just right,

and the car to match you’re personality and lifestyle –


, where style meets comfort


to Impress




The first to arrive, everyone will notice the choices you make as they sense the Elantra’s professional presence. Its pose strong, yet modern

and expressive, you can’t help but take one last look at the cut of the profile as you walk away – wondering at how it can look so professional

and so inviting.

The taller, well-proportioned doors and upswept teardrop side-window lines add to its appeal as an ‘S’ line at its midriff, augments the

elegant side view to present a curvaceous, flowing form. The Elantra’s family-friendly distinction is its real attraction, solidifying its place of

importance in your family with style, comfort, safety and performance.

Dedicated to the more

delicate side of driving

Smooth style and long, flowing lines craft a character full of passion and personality.

The Space

for Me to be Me

A Constant

Source of Comfort

Morning, midday or midnight, Elantra offers the room to relax, to stop and think, or to cruise in comfort with numerous convenient

features, advanced visibility and ergonomic placement of component controls. From the liberty of legroom to the freedom of open

spaces, an enlarged wheelbase and greater height allow you to kick back in comfort with your source of satisfaction.



- Let in the

With a front row seat, you’ll always have a clear view of the surrounding scene. Extra interior space and a lowered

fascia mean that nothing will escape your scrutiny.

And in


- Bring out the

The deep blue of night is echoed in the soft blues of instrument lights for an interior with the style to satisfy the senses

and calm the nerves.


Driver’s Delight

A Superior

A distinctively luxurious manner marks the interior with soft,

The textures and colors, the placement of audio and climate

high-grade materials and other extras that add to the

controls, the soft-lit digital instrument panel, all make the

ambiance. From moon views to the sounds that soothe,

new Elantra as easy to see out of as it is on the eyes. The

convenience comes standard with the new Elantra, so travel

balance of inner and outer harmony inspires drivers and

in comfort and let the road be your guide.

passengers alike for a far more enjoyable and relaxing

experience. The new Elantra has enhanced its environment so

you feel less constrained and more at ease.

Tilting Telescopic Sreering wheel

Adj us t ing i n angl e and di s t ance t o sui t t he dr i ver , t he s t eer ing wheel c an be pos it i oned t o

ma xi mi ze d r iv in g p l e a su r e a n d m ak e m an e u v e ri n g e a si e r.


T ak e imm e d ia t e a n d e ff o r t le s s a d va n t a g e o f o ve r h e ad l ig h t a n d a s t r e am of r e fr e s h in g ai r wit h a

g en e r o u sl y p ro p o r t io n e d , op t i on a l t in t e d g l as s e le c t ri c t ilt - a n d - sli d e s u nr o o f .

Instrument Cluster

Cl e ar a s d a y a n d a l wa ys wi t hi n v ie w, t he in st r u me n t cl u st e r ’s b lu e - li t f ac e s an d b e ze l s d i sp la y

Premium Audio System

in f o r ma t io n wi t h i n st a n t ly i d e n ti f ia b le r e d sp e e d om e te r a n d a nc il la r y g a u g e n ee d l e s t o ke e p yo u

Fo r p e r fo r ma n c e t ha t i mme r s e s y o u in e n t e rt a i nm e nt , E la n t r a’ s au d i o sy st e m s e t s t h e mo o d f o r

f r om g e t t in g o u t o f h a n d .

yo u r jo u r n ey a ll o win g mu s ic to e me r g e in a mp l if ie d so u n d wi th a c ou s t ic s d e si g n e d b y en g i n ee r s

wh o t r u ly u n d e rs t a n d t h e n e e d f o r h ig h f i d el it y .

Trip Computer

A t th e t o u ch of a b u t t o n , t h e d r iv e r h as a c ce s s t o i mp o r ta n t d r iv in g i n fo r ma t i on fr o m th e n e w,

Keyless Entry & Trunk Lid

e a si e r t o r e a d, b l u e LE D l it t r i p co m pu t e r a t t h e b a s e o f t h e i n st r u me n t cl u st e r .

Op e n t h e tr u n k fr o m th e d r iv e r ’s se a t wi th t h e in t e r io r

mount ed l i d r eleas e at th e t ouch of a but t on, or go

key l es s w it h r emot e c ont r ol s t hat l et yo u ent er t he

E la n t ra , lo ck it u p o r s o u nd t h e a la r m a t t h e p r es s o f a

b ut t o n .

T rip D ist a nc e Rema in in g Dis ta n ce t o emp t y Od o met e r


Soft-contoured, smooth-lined, and balanced with a dynamic two-tone finish for sophistication, the

new Elantra’s interior is designed for simplicity. Ergonomic and easily accessible, air temperature

controls keep the light, airy interior fresh and comfortable, whatever the weather. A comfortable,

inviting environment for the whole crew or just you, makes Elantra an irresistible choice for the daily

commute or a weekend away.

Interior air management
Steering Wheel Audio Remote Controls

De s ig n ed t o r e a ch e ve r yo n e i n t h e c a bi n , h ea t in g a nd ve n t il at io n co n t ro l s lo c at e d i n t h e ce n te r
St eer i ng wheel m ounted cont r ol s add t o your cr ui si ng

f as ci a pr o vi d e pa s se n g er s wit h t h e d e s ir e d i n te r n a l t e mp e ra t u re . Bo t h m a nu a l a n d a u to m at ic
c om fort putt in g th e pow er of s i x s pe ak ers at y our

sy st e ms a r e v is u al ly a p p e al in g an d u se r - fr ie n d ly w it h s o ft t o uc h c ir c ul a r d ia ls o r a bl u e- l it o v a l
f in g e r ti p s t o im me r se yo u r e a r s in s o u n d sa t i sf a ct i on .

su r r ou n d e d b y ea s y to u ch co n tr o ls .

Dedicated to the

pleasure of driving,

Elantra is your mobile habitat

A perfect fit for you and your family, the Elantra experience is dedicated to the details.

An Exercise

in Intensity


The road anxiously awaits…

As muscles tense into the turn generating G-forces.

A spirited performance of rubber’s triumph over pavement

and the excitement to match.

Elantra, where strength meets determination

Robust Power

for the Road Ahead

Elantra travels as well as

it looks – with improved performance & engine effectiveness, enhanced suspension for

excellent ride comfort and

breathtaking handling for a fun, sporty feel.

1.6 DOHC Engine

2.0 DOHC Engine
1.6 CRDi Engine

Th e 121p s 1 . 6 DO HC eng i ne w as

Of f e r in g a d d it io n a l p o we r , t h e 2 .0 D OH C
T he 1.6 CRD i engi ne gr eat l y enhances

1 60

1 60
2 0
16 0

d e v e lo p e d t o i mp r o v e p e r f o r ma n c e a n d

engi ne al s o appl i es CV VT (C ons tantl y
f uel effic i enc y, i mpr oves dri v e qual i ty

1 40

1 40
1 8

14 0

engi ne effec ti ve nes s by addi ng C VV T

Va ri abl e V al v e Ti m i ng) to it s doub le
a n d is f a r q u ie t e r t h a n o t h e r c o nv e n t io n a l

1 20

1 20
1 6

12 0

( Cons tan tly V ari abl e Va lv e Ti m in g) to

ov er head c ams haf t s wi t h 4- v al ve s pe r
d i e se l en g i n es . B a se d o n di r e ct in j e ct io n

1 00

1 00
1 4
10 0

d o u b le o v e rh e a d c a ms h a ft s wi t h 4 - va l ve s

cy li n de r . Ta k in g t h e ou t p u t to 1 4 3 p s, t he
1 2
t ec hn ol ogy , t he C R Di ( Co mm on R ai l

8 0

1 0

pe r c y l i nde r. Th e re s ul ti ng hi gh -

res u lt i ng hi gh- perf orm an c e e ngi ne
D ir ec t I nj e c ti on e ngi n e) i nj ec ts
6 0


pe rfor ma nc e eng in e i s c apa bl e o f

i ns tanta neous l y res po nds to dri v ers ’
p r e s su r ize d f u e l d i r ec t ly in t o t h e e n gi n e .
4 0


2 0

i nst ant an eousl y r es ponding t o dr i ver ’ s

needs, opt i mi zi ng ever y dr op of f uel in
A t th e s ame ti m e, i t redu ces ni trogen



n e e d s a n d o p ti mi zin g e v er y d r op o f f u e l,

a cc e le r a ti o n o r o v e r lo n g d i st a n ce s .
o x id e a n d p a r ti cu l a te e m is si on s , t h e r e b y

10 00 3 000 40 00 5 00 0 60 00
2 00 0
1 00 0 3 00 0 40 00 500 0 6 00 0
20 00
1 00 0 2 00 0 300 0 400 0

wh e t h e r in b ri sk a c ce l e ra t i on o r o ve r lo n g

m ak i ng it ex trem el y env i ron men tal l y

d is t a nc e p o we r cr u is in g .

f r i en d l y.

Automatic transmission

Manual transmission
Rear Suspension

F or t h o se w it h a n a d ve n t u ro u s sp i ri t , we a d d e d a n e le g a n t, st y li sh

T h e n e w E l a n t r a ’s m a n ua l g e a r b o x a ls o b o a s t s n e w ly d e v e lo p e d
S p ri n g i n to a ct i on a s t h e E l an t r a ’s m u lt i- l in k r e a r s us p e n si on s ys te m

s te p g at e sh i ft le v e r f o r e xt r a c o n t ro l o f th e n e w E l a n tr a ’s au t o ma t i c

h ig h - e f fi ci e n cy f e a t ur e s t h a t re d u c e n o is e a n d e nh a n c e d u r ab i li t y.
o f i n d e p e nd e n t c o il sp r i n g s c o n t ri b u t es t o a m o re s t a b le r i d e a nd

t r a ns mi ss io n . T h e sh if t co n t r o l a dv a n ce m en t a ll ow s f o r s im pl ic it y o f

A n alt er ed pat t er n, whi c h r eloc at es r ev er s e, en sur es s nag f r ee
b e t t e r h a n d li ng ch a r a ct e r is t ic s wit h so l id r e s is ta n c e t o l a t er a l f o r ce s

us e, w hi l e add in g new l ev el s of hy drau li c c ont rol to e ns ure

o p er a t io n , w h ile mi n im izi ng a n y o p p o r tu n i ty fo r e r ro n e o u s h a n d li ng .
a n d im p ro v e d ro l l e f fi ci e n cy wh il e r e d u ci n g N V H i n a l l ma j or a r e a s.

s mo o th e r c h a n g es a n d a mo r e i n vig o r a t in g d r i vi ng e xp e r ie n ce .

Fi n a ll y, t h e b ru s h e d me t a l a n d l e a th e r d e s ig n a d d s an el e me n t o f
A st if f e r b o d y a n d i mp r o ve d s u sp e n si o n g e o me t r y h e lp t o is ol a t e t h e

r ac e s t yl in g a n d s o p h is ti ca t io n .
c a b in fr o m r o ad h a rs h n e ss f o r b e t te r r i d e co m fo r t .

Curtain and Side Airbags

In t he e v en t o f a s id e im p ac t , b o t h c u r ta i n an d s id e a ir b a gs d e pl o y t o p re v e n t i n ju r ie s t o t h e h e a d a n d

th e u p p e r b o dy . Th e y a ls o h e lp k ee p t h e p a ss e n g e r s a f e ly in p o s it io n a n d mi n imi ze a n y l ik e li h oo d o f

de b r is p e n e t r at i o n t o c re a t e a n e f f e ct i ve s a f e ty z on e .

Active Headrests

ESP (Electronic Stability Program)

Th e A ct i ve H e a d Re st r a in t s ca n h e lp r e d u ce t h e l o ad

A c utti ng-edge dr iv i ng s tabil i ty sy s tem , ES P i mp roves a veh ic l e’s

on t h e n e ck a t t he m o me n t of a r e a r - en d c o ll is io n b y

handl ing , pr oac t i vel y cont r ol l ing br ak e pr es s ur e and engi ne out put

usi ng t he f or c e of t he oc c upant 's body agains t t he

d u r in g d a ng e r o u s ma n e u v e r s s u c h a s ab r u p t t u r n s , a c c el e r a t io n a n d

seat bac k t o m ove t he head r es t r ai nt f or war d. Thi s

br ak ing, par t i cul ar ly on l ow f ri c t ion r oad sur f ac es. ES P is a f ur t her

ac t io n in s t an t a n e o u sl y s up p o r t s t h e h ea d a n d n e ck of

e n h a n ce me n t to t h e a n t i- lo c k b r a kin g sy st e m ( ABS ) a n d t r a ct io n co n t r o l

a f r o n t -s e a t o c cu p a n t a nd r e d u ce s th e o p p o rt u n it y f or

s ys t em (T CS ). De s ig n e d t o ke e p u n e xp e c te d a n d d a n g e ro u s si t u at i o ns

ne c k in j ur i e s.

u n d e r co n t ro l , i t a ls o pr o v id e s A BS ’ a b il it y to c h a n ge d r i vi ng d i r ec t io n

wh i le b ra k in g an d T CS’ c ap a b i lit y t o al lo w t h e c a r t o s ta r t smo o t h ly a n d

s a fe l y wit h o u t s ki d di n g .


in any Situation

Cornering with distinction and equipped to ensure the safety of you and your family, the new Elantra puts state-of-the-

art active safety features such as ESP, curtain & side airbags and active headrests at your disposal. Around every

corner, we keep our guard up so that you don’t have to worry.

Defining the lines of

your personal driving style…

From family values to stepped-up performance, the Elantra exudes a premium image as it arrives in

style or speeds off to some new destination. Impressive frontal styling highlights its fun personality,

as the redesigned Elantra subtly hints of its sporty nature with sharp lines cutting a dramatic figure

in profile. Elantra lets you drive in style while retaining its overall family-friendly appeal.



- The Difference is

in the Details

At day’s end, it’s the little differences that give an automobile its true distinction. We stove to

balance form and function with a hint of sporty style. Then we dove in to the details to add a

complement of convenient features, carefully integrating the elements of the driving experience to

bring harmony to your Elantra encounter.



Fog Lamps

Door Handle

Electric Heated Mirror

Three-way Nozzels

Illuminated Glove Box

Deluxe Center Armrest

Power Window Controls
Inside Handle Overide

Flanking and integrated with the lower air intake for a

The body-colored, soft-contoured door handles are slight-

The aerodynamic side-view mirrors are electronically

Newly introduced three-way nozzles send six streams of

The conveniently placed glove box is spacious, internally

The central armrest’s multi-box access opens to different

Ergonomically designed and right at your fingertips for
Located above the inside door handles, a manual lock

more polished, unified character, the fog lamps go

ly raised from the surface for easier handling and a

operated for one-touch adjustments, electronically heat-

fluid that, in conjunction with efficient wipers, promise a

illuminated and sculpted into the fascia so that docu-

compartments providing a place for everything from CDs

easy operation, the power controls in the front door arm-
override allows you to easily unlock the door for a quick

beyond the call of duty with added visibility when its

smoother, more refined look.

ed to keep the view clear even in inclement weather and

clear view for the driver.

ments, maps and, of course, gloves are always on hand.

to other small items… all within a simply soft place rest

rests allow the driver to adjust side mirrors and lock-and-

needed most.

aerodynamically sculpted to minimize drag.

your arm.

load windows & doors without distraction.

Safety Power Windows

Trunk Capacity & Luggage Net

High Mounted Stop Lamp

Map Lamp & Sunglass Case

Door Map Pockets

iPod / USB port

Rear Center Armrest
Rear Headrests

Power windows can be a concern, especially when chil-

With added height and raised rear, the trunk space has

The high mounted stop lamp is positioned to be immedi-

Stay on course and read in clarity with centrally posi-

Not only maps, but beverages, mobile phones and other

This feature allows you to listen to your own playlist

Every passenger need not be arm tired, and with Elantra
Again raising the standard, the new Elantra’s rear head-

dren are in the car, but with this safety feature, any

also increased so pack it with all your gear and secure it

ately visible through the rear screen. This LED type lamp

tioned and individually controlled soft-touch map reading

journey necessities fit snugly and safely in the easy to

from your MP3 player or iPod - easily and clearly over the

even those in the rear have a handy pull down option for
rests are adjustable: raising to suit the seat occupant in

obstruction will cause the window to reverse direction to

with the large cargo net so it doesn’t slide around or

is equipped to provide maximum safety to customers of

lamps alongside a convenient sunglass holder housed

access, sturdy door pockets.

built in 6 speaker stereo system

forearm relief or even beverage placement.
comfort and safety or lowering to better the driver’s

prevent damage.


the new Elantra.

just above the windscreen.



Center Fascia Upper Tray

Multi Box

Drink Holder

OVM Tool & Jack Box

6.0J x 16”Alloy Wheels

5.5J x 15”Alloy Wheels
5.5J x 15”Steel Wheel Cover

Shade your eyes with extendable, fabric covered sun

The new Elantra is all about convenience. We’ve added a

For all the little things people may need while driving, the

Beverage full and ready to go. The central armrest’s cup

The tool tray is neatly located alongside the spare tire,

Distinctive, sporty and elegant, the optional 5-spoke 16-

5-spoke alloy 15-inch wheels with a raised Hyundai
7-spoke steel wheel covers come standard with a stylish

visors mounted on the roof trim or just pull them down to

tray to the center fascia for easy access to small change

multi box is the compartment you have been looking for

holders are easily reached by the driver and front seat

maximizing space usage to provide a compartment to

inch alloy wheels narrow, almost invisible flangeless rim

badge add a powerful initial attraction to the sporty side
arched rim design that exudes confidence on the road

reveal individual vanity mirrors with optional illumination

or those extras you need in transit.

neatly positioned in the lower part of the center fascia.

passenger for quick access to drinks anytime.

store rarely used, but very important items.

provides a larger, more luxurious appearance.

and off.

for a clear view of your coiffure.





u n i t : mm

Type 1.6 DOHC CVVT (Unleaded) 2.0 DOHC CVVT (Unleaded) U 1.6 Diesel

Displacement (cc) 1,591 1,975 1,582

Bore x Stroke (mm) 77.0 x 85.4 82.0 x 93.5 77.2 x 84.5

Compression Ratio 10.5 10.1 17.3






Max. Power (ps/rpm) 121 / 6,200 143 / 6,000 115 / 4,000

Continental silver

Moonlight blue

Indigo blue

Metalic sand

Steel gray

Max. Torque (kg·m/rpm) 15.6 / 4,200 19.0/ 4,600 26.0 / 1,900~2,750

Lubricant Capacity including Oil Filter (litre) 3.7 4.0 5.3

On le ad ed fu el en gi nes , p ow er & to rq ue fi gu re s va ry in a cco rd an ce wi th loc al fu el a nd cli ma te ch ar act er ist ics.

P lea se ask you r de ale r fo r a vai lab le en gin es .


Transmission 5-speed Manual 4-speed Automatic

Engine 1.6 DOHC CVVT 2.0 DOHC CVVT U 1.6 Diesel 1.6 DOHC CVVT 2.0 DOHC CVVT





1st 3.615 3.308 3.636 2.919 2.919

Ember Red

Violet pearl

Stone black

Crystal white

2nd 1.950 1.962 1.962 1.551 1.551


Gear Ratio 3rd 1.370 1.257 1.189 1.000 1.000

4th 1.031 0.976 0.844 0.713 0.713

S ome o f t he eq uipme nt i llus tr ate d or des c rib ed in this c a talog ue m ay not be s up plied as s ta ndar d equ ipmen t an d

ma y be av a ilable at e x tra c os t.

5th 0.780 0.778 0.660 - -

H y unda i M oto r C o. re s erv es t he r ight to c hange s pec if ic atio ns and equip ment wit hout pri or no tic e.

Th e c olor plat es s how n ma y v ary s li ghtly f rom th e ac tu al c olo rs due to the l imit ation s of t he p rint ing p roc es s .

Reverse 3.583 3.583 3.583 2.480 2.480

Ple as e c on su lt y ou r de aler for ful l info rma tion and a v ailabi lity on c olor s and t rim .

Final Gear Ratio 4.294 4.188 3.941 4.375 3.849

Lubricant Capacity (litre) 1.9 2.0 2.0 6.8 6.6

Hyundai : the motorist’s all-green ally


Hyundai Motor Company's effort for preservation of environment is

Suspension Front MacPherson Strut Type

reflected in the lifespan of our vehicles, from their design to end of life

vehicle stage. First, our products are produced in facilities that meet the

Rear Multi-link type with stabilizer bar

ISO 14001 environmental management standard. More importantly,

Shock Absorber Gas shock absorber with twin tube

they are equipped with advanced CO2 reduction technologies ranging




from engine designs to low rolling resistance tyres. As a result, Hyundai

Cloth Beige

Leather Gray

Leather Black


vehicles sold in Europe recorded an average CO2 emissions of 164g/km

in 2005. We are making every effort to make further improvement in

Type Rack and pinion type steering gear, Power assisted by MDPS.

order to contribute to KAMA’s CO2 reduction target of 140g/km for

Overall Steering Gear Ratio 15.37

2009. Finally, all our cars are designed for easy recycling that most of

Number of Steering Wheel Turn (lock to lock) 3.13

the resources used will be reused

Minimum turning Curve to Curve 5.17

as raw materials or energy again.

radius (m) Wall to Wall 5.67


General Dual-diagonal, split-circuit, power-assited braking system with pressure proportioning valve.

In case of ABS : Electronic brake force distribution(EBD)

Front Brake type 15-inch ventilated disc, 1 port-caliper brake with pad wear warning device. DISC : Ø275 x 26t (mm)

Rear Brake type 14-inch solid disc with Ø168 drum in hat parking brake system, 1 port-caliper brake with pad wear warning device. DISC : Ø262 x 10t (mm)



















Vacuum Booste Diameter (inch) 10" Single

Boosting ratio 7.5:1

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-11-2009, 04:25 PM
الصورة الرمزية king mimo20
king mimo20 king mimo20 غير متواجد حالياً
من انا؟: احمد طلعت سليمان
التخصص العملى: محاسب
هواياتي: البحث والاطلاع ولعب كرة القدم
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2009
الموقع: فى ام الدنيا مصر
المشاركات: 859
king mimo20 has a reputation beyond reputeking mimo20 has a reputation beyond reputeking mimo20 has a reputation beyond reputeking mimo20 has a reputation beyond reputeking mimo20 has a reputation beyond reputeking mimo20 has a reputation beyond reputeking mimo20 has a reputation beyond reputeking mimo20 has a reputation beyond reputeking mimo20 has a reputation beyond reputeking mimo20 has a reputation beyond reputeking mimo20 has a reputation beyond repute
افتراضي رد: هيونداى النترا اليكتورنيك بوشور

مشكور على المجهود يا ا/بدر بس الصور مش ظاهرة عندى

سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

من اهم مواضيعى

مصر بلد الوحوش

حصرى لمصر موتورز تقرير عن هوندا بايلوت 2010


صور مضحكة من مصر !!!!!

لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 26-02-2010, 01:20 AM
engmish engmish غير متواجد حالياً
التخصص العملى: مهندس مدني
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2009
الموقع: القاهرة
المشاركات: 130
engmish is a glorious beacon of lightengmish is a glorious beacon of lightengmish is a glorious beacon of lightengmish is a glorious beacon of lightengmish is a glorious beacon of light
افتراضي رد: هيونداى النترا اليكتورنيك بوشور

ألف شكر يا باشا، بسالصور ظاهرة كتابة غريبة ptmnlo123per1127

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 27-02-2010, 07:17 PM
ابوزين ابوزين غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2009
الموقع: الدقى
المشاركات: 75
ابوزين is just really niceابوزين is just really niceابوزين is just really niceابوزين is just really niceابوزين is just really nice
افتراضي رد: هيونداى النترا اليكتورنيك بوشور

ptmnlo123per1127:thinkW19 :
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-03-2010, 12:47 AM
الصورة الرمزية yaser4050
yaser4050 yaser4050 غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2010
المشاركات: 189
yaser4050 is a splendid one to beholdyaser4050 is a splendid one to beholdyaser4050 is a splendid one to beholdyaser4050 is a splendid one to beholdyaser4050 is a splendid one to beholdyaser4050 is a splendid one to behold
افتراضي رد: هيونداى النترا اليكتورنيك بوشور

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الساعة الآن 01:25 AM.

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