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ميكانيكا السيارة يحتوى على المعلومات الفنية عن المحركات و أجزاءها و ناقل الحركة (الفتيس) و القابض (الدبرياج) و تجارب الصيانة الميكانيكية

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قديم 24-10-2011, 02:36 PM
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افتراضي رد: زيت المحركات المانى الصنع LIQUI MOLY

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة elmanahry مشاهدة المشاركة

دابت شركة LIQUI MOLI على صناعة زيت يناسب كل موديل جديد من المواتير لشركات السيارات فعندما تبنت شركة بيجو اختراع موتور يكون نسبة العادم تصل للصفر اخترعت شركة LIQUI MOLI امامه الزيت TOP TECH 4100 وابتدات موضة جديدة فى المحركات الاوربية وهى مواتير ديزل وجازولين تربو جهزت شركة LIQUI MOLI هاتان الاصداراتان من الزيوت لمناسبة الموضة الجديدة لمواتير التيربو جاز وديزل التى تبنتهما شركة اوبل واصبح على الشركة توفير زيت يتحمل حرارة التيربو وفى نفس الوقت تستطيع ان START للمحرك فى درجة 35 مئوية تحت الصفر ثم يتحمل الزيت الحرارة الناتجة عن التيربو وهاتان الاصداراتان تم اصدارهم للسوق فى اول شهور سنة 2010 وفى النهاية ادلت الشركة بتصريح ان هاذان النوع من الزيت صالح ل 95 فى المائة من السيارات
Ulm, March 9, 2010 – It's agonizing to have to choose: Today there are so many different motor oils that it is difficult even for professionals to keep the overview. Especially small workshops have problems to keep all the different oil grades in stock. Well, they don’t need to: LIQUI MOLY demonstrates how just five motor oils help them covering a vast range of vehicles.

This multi-talented quintet comprises three newly introduced products: TOP TEC 4600 5W-30, Leichtlauf Spezial F 5W-30, and Leichtlauf High Tech 5W-40. Together with TOP TEC 4200 5W-30 and Super Leichtlauf 10W-40 they are suited for nearly every vehicle. For example in Germany, they cover 95 percent of all cars
BMW & Peugeot untie the knot on joint engine development

Unlikely bedmates BMW and the PSA Peugeot Citroen Group are breaking up - or at least asking each other for some space. The two companies had joined forces in recent years to produce a range of 1.4L to 1.6L motors, powering BMW's second-generation MINI and cars from Peugeot and Citroen. The venture was originally intended to help the auto makers to improve engine technology in the fiercely competitive [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]compact [COLOR=blue !important]car[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] segment, while saving money by sharing development costs.

BMW development executive Klaus Draeger recently told a German industry publication that cooperation with PSA was effectively ended. This news comes despite plans in late 2006 to evaluate the expansion of joint engine development efforts. Despite the success of the motors spawned by the joint venture, the engines were quite expensive to produce according to PSA boss Christian Streiff.

This summer, Mercedes proposed a closer working relationship with BMW, especially with engine technology. BMW hasn't agreed to the partnership, however, and with the PSA deal now out of the picture, it looks like BMW will be developing the lion's share of future engines on its own.

BMW has said "non, merci" to continuing its diesel engine partnership with PSA Peugeot Citroen. The two automakers began working together two years ago to create 1.4- and 1.6-liter gasoline engines for BMW's MINI and PSA cars. Despite both companies at the end of last year looking at expanding their joint research into a high-tech engine, the synergies weren't providing the cost benefits desired with the small engine, so the affair has come to an end.
BMW has had a few partners when it came to small engines -- just before joining up with Peugeot, DaimlerChrysler was building MINI engines in Brazil. Mercedes recently broached the idea of working with BMW on a frugal, low-emissions motor, a public offer that has gone unanswered by BMW. Nevertheless, with the large number of B-segment cars in development by numerous manufacturers, it would seem likely that people are going to be partnering up again sooner or later.

Quasiturbine Detonation Engine

Successful - Low Power Piston - Detonation
Engine manufacturers are not much explicit about their said modern detonation (HCCI) engine, and for good reasons: Piston Detonation is successful only at low power, and will never be at high power (where it should be most) with piston, because crank shaft machines are too slow to match the very high speed of detonation. Quasiturbine AC is a much shorter pressure pulse machine suitable for fast detonation at all power level, due to its ability to convert early pressure into mechanical work.
Note: Variable compression ratio technique (either mechanical on the crankshaft, or through intake valve early closing control) is not what is needed to achieve detonation at all power level. Rather, compression ratio must be extremely high at all time, but mechanical pressure pulse duration must be much shorter than what eccentric crankshaft engine can generate.
Present Engine Limitations
There are 4 main factors detrimental to the gasoline engine efficiency:
1 - The throttle valve which absorb engine power in making intake piston vacuum (early intake valve closing produces the same vacuum piston effect, and valve control further result in variable piston compression ratio);
2 - The relatively low power compression ratio which reduce the expansion efficiency;
3 - The heat lost during expansion.
4 - The slow combustion, which is not quite completed by the end of the expansion (at high rpm).
The detonation (HCCI) is a major stake as its offers solutions to these four limitations at once, by suppressing the need of trottle valve, by increasing considerably the compression ratio, by producing a much faster gas expansion reducing heat lost to the engine block, and by a much faster combustion by detonation.

The next step in world engine research is to make the gas engine as efficient as the diesel engine, and the diesel engine as clean as the gas engine. The photo-detonation Quasiturbine AC does that and more, by conciliating both gas (homogeneous) and diesel (non-homogeneous) engines in one extremely efficient and clean photo-detonation mode, leading the way to a major efficiency breakthrough!
Photo-detonation self-fires similarly to Diesel, but burn homogeneously, faster and cleaner.
This mode uses a « detonation chamber »
instead of a « combustion chamber ».
Photo-detonation permits efficiency gain improvements: The removal the butterfly intake vacuum valve (engine compression breaking - which exist at all time within gas engine), and the increase of the compression ratio (well over the knocking and the diesel level). Because the combustion is homogeneous and occurs in excess of air, it is as clean as an external combustion.
With our today Beau de Rocha (Otto) mode piston gas engine, about half the gasoline used in the transportation sector is literally wasted to fight the intake atmospheric vacuum depression generated by the carburetor or injector manifold butterfly-valve (The engine-braking effect). This is half the pollution of the transportation activities. Detonation Quasiturbine engine would save as much... without all the technologies onboard hybrid vehicle which attempt to save about half of that...
A March 2003 - MIT study says: Improving gasoline and diesel engines is the way to go ! Hydrogen car is no environmental panacea. The hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle will not be better in terms of total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. If we need to curb greenhouse gases, improving mainstream gasoline and diesel engines is the way to go. These results come from an assessment of a variety of engine and fuel technologies forecasting no real 'breakthroughs' (The Quasiturbine has not been included in the study).
In their book about the Quasiturbine, the inventors have used a set of 14 engine parameters to show that none of the modern engine meets simultaneously all the optimum general demanding criteria. Engines fail to be "all in one" compact, low weight, low noise, zero vibration, high torque at low rpm, efficient on a wide power range... while having homogeneous clean combustion and being multi fuel capable... This is one objective of the detonation engine...

Quasiturbine Model AC for expander or detonation mode
Detonation is referred to as HCCI "Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition" or SCCI Stratified Combustion, CTI - Controlled Auto Ignition or ATAC - Active Thermo-Atmosphere Combustion. Detonation is the enemy of the piston engine, and is referred to as knocking / pinking. Despite all effort done to avoid detonation in piston engine, this is a superior combustion mode which is not discarded for the future engines. Detonation threshold objective is to achieve higher compression ratio while maintaining homogeneous fuel mixture, hoping the piston engine will sand it... Photo-detonation objectives is clearly to handle detonation...
Improves the Piston
The 4 strokes piston of our cars fires once every 2 revolutions and produces a positive torque about 17% of the time, dragging 83% of the time. To obtain a reasonable specific power density, we must use the combustion chamber the most often possible in every minute, which means rotating at undesirable high regime, where it is difficult to avoid the limitations due to gas flow and valves inertia. The high RPM also imposes constraints which require a reduced piston course, which call for a reduction of the crankshaft diameter and a reduction of the engine torque, and consequently a more severe need for the gearbox and on the kinetic aspects like the flywheel, which severely reduces the engine accelerations.
Present day gasoline fuel injector are not in the combustion chamber. Contrary to the Diesel, there are gasoline injectors near the intake valve, within the vacuum intake manifold... The intake manifold vacuum still is there, carburetor or injector (butterfly vacuum valve is the problem, not the fuel means). With carburetor or injector, the Otto cycle has the advantage to premix the air and the fuel, such as to produce after compression, a uniform pollution controllable combustion. Direct fuel injection in the combustion chamber is done with a spray with is fuel rich inward, stochiometric in the periphery (too hot), and fuel lean on the outward. Quality of this type of non-homogeneous combustion is hardly impossible to control.

There is no way out for "vacuum free intake, while having uniform low pollution combustion", except through detonation (intake uniform fuel mixture at atmospheric pressure)... and the Quasiturbine short volume pulse device is designed specifically for that... (particularly the QT-AC model).
Shaping the Pulse
Detonation research effort in piston engine goes-on for years without yet any commercial promises. Research focuses towards finding possibilities and limitations of the HCCI engine, and specially towards how different parameters affect the engine performance and emissions, without much questioning the piston concept itself ? Future engine breakthroughs can however append in detonation engine, where the Quasiturbine offers new means. Quasiturbine (specially the AC model) opens the door to detonation development by providing a much shorter pressure tip pulse machine, with faster linear raising and falling pressure ramps.

QT-AC (With carriages) is intended for detonation mode,
where high surface-to-volume ratio
is a factor attenuating the violence of detonation.
Contrary to piston-crankshaft concept confined to near sinusoidal chamber volume pulse, the Quasiturbine is a family of engine concepts based on 7 independent geometrical parameters, which allows a multitude of designs quite different one an other. Because the Quasiturbine can accept carriages, it is possible to define sets of parameters which can shape "almost at will" the chamber volume pressure pulse. To withstand the detonation, a Quasiturbine has a chamber volume pulse of 15 to 30 times shorter than piston, with rapid raising and falling linear ramps. The QT-AC (With carriages) is intended for detonation mode, where high surface-to-volume ratio is a factor attenuating the violence of detonation.
Photo-detonation self-fires similarly to Diesel,
but burn homogeneously, faster and cleaner.
This mode uses a « detonation chamber »
instead of a « combustion chamber ».

Quasiturbine Model AC for expander or detonation mode
For a look at the Quasiturbine in Virtual Reality (Vrml)
The Quasiturbine allows to solve modern engine developments dilemma by two main unique characteristics, which are:
  • First, by firing 8 times each two revolutions in a four strokes mode, which allows to use the combustion chambers much more often without having to increase the engine rpm, and without facing the fast gas flow problem, nor the valves inertia since there is none.
  • Secondly, by reaching detonation mode with its shorter tip pressure impulses with linear ramps permitting to self-trigger the thermal and photonic ignition and to overcome the obstacles limiting the high engine compression ratio, so increasing the efficiency, while maintaining the uniform combustion capability and simultaneously reducing the polluants.
Because it was conceived for thermal and photonic ignition, the Quasiturbine cannot be considered as a "rotary piston engine", nor be correctly characterized by the piston paradigms.
Quasiturbine Rotor Dynamic
The eccentric crankshaft machines reach their maximum and minimum mechanical extension in synchronization with the pressure strokes, while in the Quasiturbine, the rotor reaches it maximum and minimum extension at half-stroke, producing a smooth kinetic transition near Top and Bottom pressure Dead Center. Le piston atteint ses positions extrêmes en coïncidence avec le début et la fin des cycles de pression, et comme lui, le vilebrequin du Wankel impose aussi cette synchronisation, qui favorise un cognement du rotor sur le stator près des points haut et bas. Dans la Quasiturbine, les positions extrêmes du rotor correspondent à l’élongation en losange, alors que les cycles de pressions débutent et terminent en configuration carrée, ce qui crée une situation particulièrement heureuse pour la continuité du mouvement de rotation et le balancement des efforts internes sur le rotor lors du passage (sans cognement) en configuration carrée, ce qui accentue la compatibilité avec la photo-détonation.
Une fois la déformation du rotor lancée depuis une élongation losange sur un axe vers une élongation sur un autre axe, le système des 4 pales présente une inertie qui assure la continuité (sans cognement) de la déformation lors du passage à la configuration carrée, là où sont les principales et violentes perturbations de pression. Notons que cette inertie de la déformation est freinée par l’action des joints de contour sur les parois internes du stator dans la région éloignée du centre, mais que l’effet de rappelle dynamique dû à la pression interne dans les chambres vient aider ce freinage, voir même le dominer à certain régime.
Quasiturbine Detonation
Photo-detonation combustion mode is the fastest and the cleanest way, driven by volumetric black body radiation density, alike a powerful laser beam. Reference to laser light is a good way to see it; an other way is to remember burning a piece of paper at the sun focal point of a lens. It requires no anti-detonation fuel additive, and piston will likely never sand it? The road to photo-detonation goes through some deflagration, some thermo-ignition auto lit, some threshold detonation and some supersonic detonation, all adding to radiation process, and finally radiative combustion driven photo-detonation. This mode is almost independent of the shape of the combustion chamber and accepts almost any type of fuel.
Photo-detonation self-fires similarly to Diesel,
but burn homogeneously, faster and cleaner.
This mode uses a « detonation chamber »
instead of a « combustion chamber ».
Detonation combustion mode is driven by a supersonic choc wave or better, by radiation. It is very fast, and is generally initiated by an other combustion mode followed by an excessive compression level.
QT-AC (With carriages) is intended for detonation mode,
where high surface-to-volume ratio
is a factor attenuating the violence of detonation.
Detonation is an extremely rapid combustion, either supersonic or totally volumetric when photon driven. Many labs have been trying to make piston engine work in the detonation mode without serious success. The Quasiturbine family of engines uses no sinusoidal crankshaft, and allows for carriages which permit to shape the volume pulse more appropriately than the piston for detonation. Quasiturbine (Model AC with carriages) is intended for detonation mode, where high surface-to-volume ratio is a factor attenuating the violence of detonation. In photo-detonation mode, since the combustion is driven by the radiation and that the pressure pulse is much shorter, the shape of the combustion chamber and its surface / volume ratio has little effect. In fact, the high ratio Surface to Volume help attenuate the violence of combustion. Not only the photo-detonation suppresses the energy consuming butterfly vacuum intake valve and so preserving the engine efficiency at low power, but since it requires a much higher compression ratio, it does increases the engine efficiency at full throttle as well.
Why Does the Quasiturbine Stand it?
Because kinetics in the vicinity of the TDC of the "piston" and the "QT-blade" are diametrically opposed, both in volume and speed. In volume, because the piston passes at the TDC at almost constant volume, whereas QT-blade (specially Model QT-AC) passes the TDC with a discontinuous varying volume (volume vary quickly linear downward and ascending, where the tip is an abrupt turn around). In speed, because the piston passes at the TDC with one discontinuous speed (deceleration, stop, and acceleration in opposite piston), whereas the QT-blade passes the high point at constant speed (with moreover a null radial component). Two mechanical considerations rise directly from these physical characteristics. Firstly, the piston is in rise (kinetic ascending) when early detonation comes to strike it (kinetic downward), and like two objects moving in opposite direction run up very violently, its piston resists badly, whereas the QT-blade passes the TDC at constant kinetic and null radial speed. Second, the short tip impulse of the Quasiturbine retains the pressure less longer than the long sinusoidal impulse of the piston, and consequently the QT-blade tires much less. Centrifugal force on the blades of Quasiturbine also helps to contain high pressure. Notice that because of its crankshaft, the Wankel behaves like piston near TDC.
The Best of Engines
The Quasiturbine detonation combustion is a combination of the best elements of other internal combustion engines:

(1) Quasiturbine detonation of the homogenous fuel/air charge eliminates the electronic ignition requirement of most fuel engines. Electronic ignition in piston gasoline engine is required because of intake vacuum and incompatible long duration compression "pulse structure" limitations in the cylinder.

(2) Detonation will completely combust the fuel in the fuel/air charge because of the short, but powerful, pressure pulse and because of the fast nearly linear variation of the QT maximum pressure zone, which rapidly closes and re-opens the combustion chamber. The diesel engine can only incompletely combust the fuel injected into the heated, compressed air in the cylinder. The QT (unlike the diesel) is therefore a "clean combustion" engine. It will have virtually no emission other than the standard products of combustion, e.g., CO2 and H2O. "Clean combustion" also implies that the QT engine is more fuel efficient than the diesel engine.

(3) Detonation in the QT occurs rapidly at top dead center. In the diesel engine, ignition of the injected fuel occurs somewhat after top dead center, usually about 12 degrees or so, and is progressive with time to mechanically protect the piston. The QT's power stroke is therefore somewhat longer "with early and late mechanical energy conversion" and the exhaust somewhat cooler, which also implies a more efficient engine.

(4) Because the temperature of stator/rotor is not significant in Detonation mode (light ignition), and because the shorter QT pressure pulse is self-timing, premature ignition is not a concern. The combustion QT can have a very simple cooling mechanism, such as air cooling, even when operating on a low volatility fuel like natural gas.
(5) The Quasiturbine is suitable for multi-fuels, including hydrogen combustion. It can also be operated in a combine thermal cycle mode (including steam and Stirling mode hook-up on the same shaft) thereby increasing further the efficiency.
(6) Finally, the Quasiturbine can operate in the more conventional Otto mode, yet retains its added value characteristics when compared to the piston engine.
For all these reasons, and considering what it is intended to achieve, the Quasiturbine cannot be considered as a "rotary piston engine". Piston paradigms do not apply to the Quasiturbine!
Advantages of Detonation
Detonation and hybrid are two different means to harvest the low efficiency of reduced power piston engine, and both are compatible with efficient electrical (in-wheel) power train. Detonation engine is however a more direct and efficient way, and because the « on board fuel » is already a form of energy storage, detonation engine avoid to re-stock this energy electrically into batteries. The chemical energy stored in the fuel is degraded when chemically re-stored in batteries.
The HCCI engine is always un-throttled, a high compression ratio is used and the combustion is fast. This gives a high efficiency at low loads compared to a conventional engine that has low efficiency at part loads. If an HCCI engine is used instead of an ordinary gasoline engine in a car, the fuel consumption can be reduced to one half!
Another advantage is that the HCCI engine produces low amount of nitrogen-oxides (NOx). The formation of nitrogen-oxides is strongly dependent on combustion temperature. Higher temperature gives higher amount of NOx. Since the combustion is homogeneous and a very lean mixture is used, the combustion temperature becomes very low, which results in very low amounts of NOx. The HCCI engine does not produce the same levels of soot as the Diesel engine. The HCCI engine has much higher part load efficiency than the conventional engine and comparable to the Diesel engine, and has no problem with NOx and soot formation like the Diesel engine. In summary, the HCCI engine beats the conventional engine regarding the efficiency and the Diesel engine regarding the emissions. Not only the photo-detonation suppresses the energy consuming butterfly vacuum intake valve and so preserving the engine efficiency at low power, but since it requires a much higher compression ratio, it does increases the engine efficiency at full throttle as well.
Low Load Efficiency Penalty
At low load factor, the intake depressurization of the Beau de Rocha (Otto) cycle dissipates power from the engine since the throttle valve is almost closed and the descending piston acts as a clogged vacuum pump against the atmospheric pressure, which vacuum is subsequently partially destroyed while in the piston by fuel vaporization during the compression. Due to this effect, the engine in Otto cycle opposes to all RPM revolution and its increases (well known as the engine compression braking) and this intrinsic resistance to speed augmentation is compensated by a constant and important fuel consumption.
The detonation mode does not use any throttle valve and accepts without constraint all available air at atmospheric pressure (similarly as the Diesel, where the pressurization energy is restituted at the time of relaxation). For this reason, the efficiency at low load factor of the detonation engine is twice that of the conventional Otto cycle, and considering that the load factor of a car is in average about 10 to 15%, this is not a small difference (saving is still superior in the traffic jams...).
Over the Hybrid Concepts
The detonation engine suppresses all interest and need for hybrid vehicle concepts, since a powerful detonation engine would have a small low regime efficiency penalty, and the objective of hybrid is exactly to harvest the present low regime efficiency penalty of the piston engine! Only about 50% of this potential can be harvested the hybrid way.
Detonation and hybrid are two different means to harvest the low efficiency of reduced power piston engine, and both are compatible with efficient electrical (in-wheel) power train. Detonation engine is however a more direct and efficient way, and because the « on board fuel » is already a form of energy storage, detonation engine avoid to re-stock this energy electrically into batteries. The chemical energy stored in the fuel is degraded when chemically re-stored in batteries.
A Must for Hydrogen
In order to do work on a piston, the fuel-air mixture needs to burn at a speed faster than the piston is moving. Low hydrogen flame speed is a disadvantage shared with most other gaseous fuels. For comparison, a gasoline-air mixture has a flame front speed that ranges typically from 70 up to 170 feet/second in IC engines, while an ideal hydrogen-air mixture has a flame front speed of about 8 feet/second. An average vehicle engine rotating at 2,000 rpm (33 revolutions per second) produces piston linear speed of 45 feet/second in the middle-stroke, which is already 5 times faster than the hydrogen flame front speed ! The fact that a hydrogen-air mixture has a flame front speed of about 1/10 that of a gasoline-air mixture contributes to explain why hydrogen engines only run at reduced power and low rpm under load. However, the detonation mode is extremely rapid and totally removes this limitation. This is why the detonation mode (not compatible with piston, but with the Quasiturbine) is critical for the future of the hydrogen engine.
Quasiturbine QT50AC
As a first step, small experimental machine has been made. A larger machine (or a better built one) would be suitable to sustain operation.
Quasiturbine QT50AC - Basic drawings and photos
Quasiturbine QT50AC : Calculated torque, power and consumption

QT50 (AC with carriages) is intended for detonation mode,
where high surface-to-volume ratio is
an attenuating factor of the violence of the detonation.
The Quasiturbine family of engine uses no sinusoidal crankshaft movement, and allows for carriages which permit to shape the volume pulse more appropriately than the piston for detonation. Shorter pressure impulses with linear ramps permitting to self-trigger thermal and photonic ignition and to overcome the obstacles limiting the high engine compression ratio, so increasing the efficiency, while maintaining the uniform combustion capability and simultaneously reducing the polluants. Since the combustion is initiated by the radiation and the pressure pulse is much shorter, the shape of the combustion chamber and its carriages high surface / volume ratio helps attenuate the violence of combustion.
Quasiturbine with turbo compressor or turbocharger, would not effectively recycle the waste heat of combustion because energy spent in increasing the intake charge does increase the specific engine power, but does not substantially affect the efficiency... With natural gas or volatile, the Quasiturbine true photo-detonation mode would not require any added liquid fuel.

قديم 24-10-2011, 03:58 PM
الصورة الرمزية elmanahry
elmanahry elmanahry غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2009
المشاركات: 816
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افتراضي رد: زيت المحركات المانى الصنع LIQUI MOLY

CARS ADMIRE باشا سيادتك شرحت اشياء كثيرة عن اندماج شركات وانفراج هذا الاندماج لاختراع مواتير وتكنولوجيا جديدة كل يوم مع ملاحظة ان سيادتك مهتم جدا بال ROTATORY ENGINE تخيل سيادتك ان هذه الشركات بعد اختراع كم هذه المواتير العجيبة ياتى هنا دور شركة الزيوت لاستحداث الزيت المناسب لهذه المواتير العجيبة وتبدا شركة الزيوت فى تشغيل معاملها لانتاج زيت ترضى عنه الشركة المخترعة للمواتير الجديدة وتعتمده لسياراتها حتى ان المقالة التى ذكرت جزء منها باللغة الانجليزية تقول ان حتى خبراء الزيوت لا يستطيعوا ان يعرفوا الفروق بين زيت واخر من كثرة انواع الزيوت التى اخترعتها شركة LIQUI MOLI لعدة شركات وعدة مواتير حديثة ولخصت الامر من اجل هذا التوهان بان الخماسى من الزيوت التى انتجتها هم ثلاثة واضافت اثنين فى 22 يناير 2010 هذه الانواع من الزيوت صالحة ل 95 فى المائة من السيارات شكرا الفاضل لشرح هذا التوهان من صناعة المواتير العديدة ولكن هذه المقالة فى صالح شركة LIQUI MOLI التى تواكب كم هذه الاخنراعات الجديدة والعجيبة وهنا فى مصر تمسك واحد تكلمه عن زيت المانى يقولك ياعمى انا باحط للعربية زيت التعاون ب60 جنيه واهى الامور ماشية وكلها كام الف ويشرف عند الميكانيكى لعمل عمرة عجبتنى جدا كلمه قالها انسان فاضل جدا قال لا يوجد ثقافة الزيوت فى عقول الناس حتى كثير من المتعلمين
والسبب الرئيسى الذى جعلنى اكتب عن هذا الزيت وهو انه مع النقاش مع الاعضاء الاخرين يتم نشر هذه الثقافة وشكرا جزيلا على المعلومات

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference
DR Elmanahry
قديم 24-10-2011, 04:26 PM
ليكوى مولى ليكوى مولى غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2011
المشاركات: 238
ليكوى مولى is a splendid one to beholdليكوى مولى is a splendid one to beholdليكوى مولى is a splendid one to beholdليكوى مولى is a splendid one to beholdليكوى مولى is a splendid one to beholdليكوى مولى is a splendid one to beholdليكوى مولى is a splendid one to behold
افتراضي رد: زيت المحركات المانى الصنع LIQUI MOLY

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ahmedchina مشاهدة المشاركة

سؤال للاستاذة ريهام هل المنتج دة موجد لديكم و سعرة كام
Synthoil High Tech 5 W-40

استاذ احمد زيت 5w40 high tec موجود بس مش النوع ده عندى النوع اللى اعلى من النوع ده لان ال API للمنتج اللى عندى SN و اللى حضرتك بتسأل عليه SM و ال SN ده مش موجود فى مصر الا فى LIQUI MOLY و اداءه ممتاز و الزيت مناسب طول العام يعنى اداءه مابيتغيرش و مابيتغيرش قبل 12000 كم على الاقل

و لو حضرتك عاوز تعرف السعر ممكن تكلمنى على رقم الشركه
قديم 24-10-2011, 04:53 PM
fundays fundays غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2011
المشاركات: 24
fundays will become famous soon enough
افتراضي رد: زيت المحركات المانى الصنع LIQUI MOLY

السلام عليكم
الاستاذة ريهام
من فضلك ارجو معرفة الزيت المناسب للسيارة الخاصي بي وهي ابترا موديل 2006 عاملة 86000 كيلو
قديم 24-10-2011, 06:04 PM
ليكوى مولى ليكوى مولى غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2011
المشاركات: 238
ليكوى مولى is a splendid one to beholdليكوى مولى is a splendid one to beholdليكوى مولى is a splendid one to beholdليكوى مولى is a splendid one to beholdليكوى مولى is a splendid one to beholdليكوى مولى is a splendid one to beholdليكوى مولى is a splendid one to behold
افتراضي رد: زيت المحركات المانى الصنع LIQUI MOLY

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fundays مشاهدة المشاركة

السلام عليكم
الاستاذة ريهام
من فضلك ارجو معرفة الزيت المناسب للسيارة الخاصي بي وهي ابترا موديل 2006 عاملة 86000 كيلو

5W40 TOP TEC 4100
و طبعا لازم تستعمل FLUSHING للموتور قبل تغيير الزيت الجديد و لو عاوز اداء السياره و سحبها يكون افضل فاممكن تستخدم INJECTION CLEANER و ينصح بتغيير الفلتر للحصول على اداء افضل

و لمزيد من الاستفسارات برجاء الاتصال على
ريهام بسيونى
مسئول التسويق
موضوع مغلق

الكلمات الدليلية
ليكوى مولى, liqui moly, زيت, زيت محرك, زيت الموتور, زيت فتيس, زيوت السيارات, زيوت زادو, زيوت سيارات, revitalizant, xado

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الساعة الآن 10:46 AM.

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